carbon removal projects
in healthy Swedish forests.

Mårten Mattsson, Forest Lead
+46 703 401 826
marten.mattsson(a) ekenfinancing.com

Malin Stavlind, Operations & Communications Lead
+46 760 289 461
malin.stavlind(a) ekenfinancing.com

Kasper Bengtsson, Tech Lead
+46 706 735 005
kasper.bengtsson(a) ekenfinancing.com

Erik Ottosson, CEO
+46 702 603 682
erik.ottosson(a) ekenfinancing.com
We give companies seriously working on reducing their carbon dioxide emissions the opportunity to invest in certified carbon removal projects in Swedish forests.
Let's discuss a solution tailored to your company's long-term needs.
Our story
EKEN was founded in 2020 at the intersection of the forest industry, forestry, finance, and climate science. The business idea emerged from the realization that corporate investments in carbon credits could potentially finance a long-term renewal of Swedish forestry. Through Eken’s market-based solution, companies are now offered the opportunity to invest in certified Swedish carbon credits with immediate climate impact, where the revenues are used to compensate forest owners for delaying harvesting and improving forestry practices.
Science and technology enable the next generation forestry.
Axfood purchases climate compensation from Eken
Eken Financing AB provides SBTi companies with the opportunity to invest in multi-year high-quality carbon removal projects with immediate climate impact and pays forest owners to transition profitably to forestry practices with higher commercial, social, and biological value.
Axfood, a leading group in the Swedish grocery retail sector, has entered into an agreement with Eken regarding 32,000 CO2e stored through extended rotation age of at least 10 years in Swedish forests. The agreement is a continuation of the collaboration on climate compensation that began in 2022.
– We are delighted to once again have earned the trust to provide Axfood with climate compensation through Swedish forestry, says Per Forssberg, Sales Lead at Eken.